Torah Teachings – Shoftim Part 1
Pastor Jesse begins the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, which is Hebrew for “judges”.
Pastor Jesse begins the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, which is Hebrew for “judges”.
Pastor Jesse continues the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Re’eh, which is Hebrew for “see” or “look”.
Brother Marcel visits and shares from the Word.
Pastor Jesse begins the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Re’eh, which is Hebrew for “see” or “look”.
Pastor Chad continues the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Eikev, which is Hebrew for “if or because” (you follow).
Pastor Jesse continues the teaching on this week’s Torah Portion, Eikev, which is Hebrew for “if or because” (you follow).
Pastor Jesse begins this week’s Torah Portion, Eikev, which is Hebrew for “if or because” (you follow).
Brother Rob continues the teaching on this week’s Torah Portion, Va’etchanan, which is Hebrew for “and I pleaded”, “I sought favor”.
Pastor Jesse continues the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Va’etchanan, which is Hebrew for “and I pleaded”, “I sought favor”.
Pastor Jesse begins the teaching on this week’s Torah portion, Va’etchanan, which is Hebrew for “and I pleaded”, “I sought favor”.