Kingdom Seeds
Pastor Jesse talks about “Kingdom Seeds” and the importance of being a “Sower” the way Jesus described in context.
Pastor Jesse talks about “Kingdom Seeds” and the importance of being a “Sower” the way Jesus described in context.
Pastor Jesse reviews Revations chapter 6.
Pastor Jesse Continues his teaching on “God Provides”. The Israelite were given bread from heaven, but they wanted quail. God gave them what they want, but what looked like a blessing, was actually a curse.
Pastor Jesse teaches about the many people who followed Jesus because of the physical provision he provided.
The Sunday following Koinonia Pastor KB and Sister Sushilla Stay with us to bring a message all the way from Nepal!
Pastor Jesse teaches on learning to trust in God’s Faithfulness.
Pastor Jesse continues his study in revelations teaching on the seven seals.
Pastor Jesse Teaches on the importance of the resurrection on Easter Sunday 2014.
Pastor Jesse continues his teaching on Revelations by pointing out that many times in prophecies and eschatology a broad swooping chronological order is used with only the beginning and end set forth.
Pastor Jesse highlights the language used to describe Jesus by those who were around, and knew him during his crucifixion.